Wednesday, 2 July 2014

02-07-2014 7_23_50 PM

  《魔力宝贝》手游版是完美世界在获得日本SQUARE ENIX公司授权后开发的一款Q版角色扮演手游。而完美世界作为国内一线的游戏研发商,其研发的能力毋庸置疑,但问题是其是否能掌握到《魔力宝贝》这一经典游戏题材的精髓则是该作最大的疑惑,毕竟《魔力宝贝》这四个字对于许多人来说,不单只是段回忆,更是当年网游界的一大标杆。





  虽然说《魔力宝贝》已经是端游上成熟的产品,但是要将其完完整整搬到手游上,明显是件不科学的事情。为此,作为研发方的 《完美世界》,在尽力保留原汁原昧玩法之余,加入了不少手游独有的玩法,让该作更加符合移动平台的特点。比如说佣兵系统,玩家能召唤4个佣兵参与战斗,这也使得游戏的单机时期更显丰富,毕竟以碎片时间为主的手游不太适合长时间组队。再比如说遇怪到副本模式的改变,降低游戏对大地图的需求,减少游戏所需要的容量,这样一来不但能有效减少游戏所需要的容量,也可以使得游戏感受起来更加精致。而这样的例子在游戏里很多,但这更多在于平台的选择,毕竟几百M的客户端容量对于手游平台不是小事,连续长时间的游戏需求对于移动用户来说也是不科学。







Tuesday, 1 July 2014

01-07-2014 9_54_02 PM

タワー・ディフェンスと3人称シューターを組み合わせて人気を博した『Orcs Must Die!』シリーズの最新作は、あくまでディフェンスのみだったゲームにオフェンス要素を加えた、基本プレー無料の5対5マルチプレー・ゲーム『Orcs Must Die! Unchained』。

現在、基本プレー無料市場ではマルチプレー・オンライン・バトル・アリーナ、通称MOBAが流行しているが、開発元Robot Entertainmentのデザイン・ディレクターIan Fischer氏によると、厳密には『Orcs Must Die! Unchained』はMOBAではないと主張している。

Ian Fischer

本作の開発を始めた時点では、2年前にタイムスリップしたとするなら、「MOBA」という単語が我々の口から出ることはないはずだ。説明するとしたら、「『Orcs Must Die』を2本同時にプレーしているような感じ」とか、「『Orcs Must Die』のような感じだが、オフェンス側も担当するんだ」とか言っていただろうね。当時他のゲームと比較するなら、『TF2』が一番近い。戦略性を増した『TF2』、そう表現したはずだ。


どんなジャンルにカテゴライズされようとも、『Orcs Must Die! Unchained』には他と違う特徴があるとFischer氏は自信を見せている。

Ian Fischer

このスタジオには、『League』や『Dota』を沢山プレーしている人間が多くいる。彼らは、『Unchained』をMOBAとは見ておらず、その理由を沢山挙げることができる。しかし、MOBAからの影響があることは確かなんだ。『TF2』や『Magic: The Gathering』、『Warframe』からも借用している。本作にはトラップやオフェンス、ディフェンス、ミニオン、様々なコンビネーションが存在するので、MOBAであろうとなかろうと、非常にユニークな体験に仕上がっているよ。プレーヤーがこれまでに見たことがないようなゲームなんだ。

ソース: GameSpot

  • Saturday, 28 June 2014

    3 Magic Shots

    June 28, 2014

    • Stitch It!

    Share your favorite iPhone conversations with friends using Stitch It!

    Stitch It! allows you to create one seamless image of a text message conversation so that you can share it on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr, or anywhere else in the series of tubes that is the webernet machine. Stitch It! also allows you to remove (redact) details from a conversation that you might not want to share.

    The steps are easy:
    - Take screenshots of your text message
    - Crop and stitch screenshots together into one seamless image
    - Remove any private info on the redact page
    - Share with the world using our many sharing options!


    - Select multiple images at once from your photo library
    - Stitch the seams together easily using our transparent overlay crop tool
    - Two redact "ink" styles: freeform (think permanent marker) and 'CIA' (think government documents)
    - Automatically saves every stitched image to your photo library
    - Upload your image directly to a private URL on
    - Sharing through email, SMS message, reddit, Twitter, imgur, or any app that utilizes your photo library
    - All sound FX made with Jacob's mouth! Cameron added a 'disable' feature.

    • Kim Kardashian: Hollywood

    Join KIM KARDASHIAN on a red carpet adventure in Kim Kardashian: Hollywood! Create your own aspiring celebrity and rise to fame and fortune! 

    ⋆ CREATE YOUR OWN STAR and customize your look with hundreds of style options, including Kim Kardashian’s personal picks! 
    ⋆ STAR in a huge interactive adventure as you encounter other celebs, dedicated fans, persistent paparazzi… and even hang out with Kim herself! 
    ⋆ RULE THE RED CARPET as an A-list movie actor, cover model, fashion designer and more – what you do is up to you! 
    ⋆ TAKE OVER L.A. in a virtual world complete with exclusive clubs, upscale boutiques, and luxury homes! Travel to New York City and Miami! 
    ⋆ DATE AND DUMP CELEBS at the best parties and hottest clubs! Flirt and become the next huge celebrity power-couple! 
    ⋆ BRING YOUR FRIENDS ALONG FOR THE RIDE using Game Center and Facebook – help each other rise to fame, compare styles, send gifts, and see who can be the biggest star! 

    • Monki Animal Builder

    Crazy eyes, pig nose and octopus tentacles? Build up fun animals!

    Let your kids build up new fun looking animals and unleash their imagination. With 6 fun characters with different personalities to choose from, they can add lots of different body parts - from octopus tentacles and butterfly wings to elephant trunks and alien arms. Watch out! everything is animated and comes to life as soon as it’s part of the animal!

    Everything in this app is fun, fun and lots of fun.
    — TheiMums

    The possibilities are truly endless and so are the hours of entertainment that this app will provide!
    — TheiPhoneMom

    It’s perfect for open-ended creativity with an endless way to decorate and accessorize.
    — SmartAppsForKids

    The results are comical and unique, especially when they come alive through animation.
    — FunEducationalApps

    You can save the animals to play with them later on, or share them with kids around the world. If you want to play with pets created by children in Spain, India or Japan, feel free to enter our gallery and look for them. Who knows what creatures are waiting?

    - Kids friendly (4+ years).
    - 6 different characters with their own personality.
    - Over 30 body parts to build up your very own animal.
    - 60+ animations that brings everything to life.
    - More than 15 accessories: sunglasses, pirate hats, diving glasses and more.
    - 90+ audio tracks with educational vocabulary and sentences.
    - Online features to store and share animals (parental lock).
    - No third-party advertising.
    - No in-app purchases.

    Stitch It!
    Kim Kardashian: Hollywood
    Monki Animal Builder
    Monki Animal Builder

    Friday, 27 June 2014

    27-06-2014 1_24_32 PM

    So I decided to rewatch Death Note. In the first episode, there's a motorcyclist called Shibuimaru Takuo - Light's second victim. In the scene where he is about to kill him, according to my subtitles, he writes:

    Shibuimaru Takuo: car accident

    And we see this:

    List of names Light had written

    I don't know Japanese, but it seems to me that all the lines are the same, except for the two last ones.

    Since that guy is just his second victim, what exactly happened in that scene? What do these lines say, and why did Light several of them, over and over?


    From what I remember (although I don't know enough Japanese to confirm this), he was trying every possible different spelling for the name of the victim.
    The Death Note wiki page on the first episode also states this as a fact (in the sixth paragraph in the synopsis.

    Now, if you've already watched the series and are currently re-watching it, you're already familiarised with the rules. The one that is significant in this particular case is rule #2 (highlight by me):

    This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person’s face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

    This means that Light was trying every possible spelling of the name, because at least one of them would match with the face pictured when he wrote the names. This also means that no collateral casualties would occur, as that particular person's face was being pictured in his mind.
    If I'm correct on this, the first column are different spellings for Shibuimaru, the second for Takuo, and the third column refers to the death ("accidental death" (事故死) is what it says).

    He did not have to try this out with his first victim because he got both his face and name from TV.

    Long story short, he was trying to match a name for that face by going through every possible spelling.

    Thursday, 26 June 2014

    Tuesday, 24 June 2014

    Monday, 23 June 2014

    Sunday, 22 June 2014

    Saturday, 21 June 2014

    21-06-2014 3_06_14 PM

    ▲ As a result of the state poison the boss of "deep love" of "Arubida Romance", it was four turns required before defeating and will only poison damage. When you make a combo attack normal attack, it is possible to defeat the third turn after the end. During this time, so come against 1-2 times enemy, or set aside more physical strength, to challenge while to recover the physical strength.

    ▲ also no matter how hard the enemy, can be 0 to the defense if "chore Herumeppo". However, turn necessary to trigger the finishing move because there are many 25, and to earn a turn in the battle with such Takaragame and Yoroigani.

    Friday, 20 June 2014

    Thursday, 19 June 2014

    Monday, 16 June 2014

    にょ_御柱の墓場 ~ Grave of Being

    Download audio: MP3 format

    At Onbashira Cemetery, I was near the shrine looking through the holes of the smuggy grave. There's an enemy encounter that sat on some wooden pillar and I felt myself stuck in this island maze as I was surrounded by these distant glow of the sunset beside that lake.

    Sunday, 15 June 2014


    Father: You shouldn't sneak into your older sister's room and take her things. Didn't I tell you before?
    Child: My sister's things are all mine!!!
    Father: That's absurd!!

    Saturday, 14 June 2014

    14-06-2014 4_30_32 AM

    쇼-타임 미지막 이야기
    Q: 쇼타잉! 돌아가고 싶온 순간은

    The show-time unknown act talk.
    Q: I take the show! The Sip on moment I go back.

    Wednesday, 11 June 2014